迫于公司投资者、亿万富翁卡尔·伊坎压力(Carl Icahn),摩托罗拉(Motorola)终于同意将挣扎中的移动设备(手机)部门与其他业务分离开来。但摩托罗拉不准备放弃手机业务。
一家公司专注于移动设备业务(Mobile Devices ),另一家则专注于宽带和移动解决方案(Broadband and Mobility Solutions)。
摩托罗拉总裁兼首席执行官格雷·布朗(Greg Brown)表示,将公司分拆为两家业界领先的公司将有助于提高灵活性,调整资本结构和增强管理的集中性,还可以为公司股东创造方向性更强的投资机会。
“Creating two industry-leading companies will provide improved flexibility, more tailored capital structures, and increased management focus – as well as more targeted investment opportunities for our shareholders.”
“The Company expects that the separation of its businesses, if consummated, would take place in 2009.”
“As part of that effort, we have undertaken a global search for a new chief executive officer for the Mobile Devices business. We believe strongly in our brand, our people and our intellectual property, and expect that the Mobile Devices business will be well-positioned to regain market leadership as a focused, independent company.”
摩托罗拉手机在近年来已经失去了市场,旦旦Asia Pacific的市场就输给了 Nokia 和 Samsung (参考以下的图)。
本人也是使用摩托罗拉的精明手机(Motorola E680),如果你问我下一次还会买精明手机(Smartphone/PDA)吗?我会很肯定的答你,会!但如果是否会再买摩托罗拉的手机吗?我就真的会考虑一下,哈!
且看看 IDC 的调查结果:
Motorola Commences Process to Create Two Independent, Industry-Leading Companies